Aus Das deutschsprachige Scratch-Wiki
Früher gab es im Deutschen Scratch Forum einen Wortfilter für das Wort "damit", was im Englischen so viel wie "scher dich zum Teufel" heißt. Dieser hat aus dem "damit" ein "*" gemacht, was viele Scratcher dazu veranlasst hat, das Wort so zu schreiben: "d-a-m-i-t". Aufgrund von Protesten, hat sich das Scratch Team weich klopfen lassen und den Filter ab dem 4. April 2012 abgeschaltet.
Da das Thema an sich ganz interessant ist, sind hier ein paar Originaltexte zum Belegen und Nachstöbern aufgeführt.
Aus einem alten Abschnitt im Artikel Scratch-Forum
"Vielleicht hast Du gemerkt, dass in einigen Forum-Einträge "damit" durch "*" ersetzt wurde. Das liegt daran, dass "damit" auf englisch so etwas wie "scher dich zum Teufel" heißt. Dieses und andere englisch Schimpfworte will das MIT-Scratch-Team nicht im Forum haben und darum werden diese Worte automatisch nur mit "*" dargestellt. Die meisten Scratcher schreiben daher "d-a-m-i-t", was durch den SPAM-Schutz des Forums dringt..."
in "Scratch-Forum" von 'Akhof' (21. Feb. 2012)
Forumdiskussion (englisch)
Es folgt eine Diskussion von diesem Thread. Nur die für das Gespräch relevanten Zitate sind aufgeführt.
"We never had the problem of spamming and trolling in the german forum. But because you solved the problem in the english forums by inventing the NewScratcherStatus, we now have a problem with people that rarely or never post in english language: How could this german kids gain their ScratcherStatus? There seem to be no clear rules for it.
And a second thing: You banned regular german words, because that are bad word in english: The German word D-a-m-i-t is very common, see here and has no bad meaning, but we only see * when we type it at the german forum.
Thank you in advance for a Solution!"
in "Solution for NewScratcherStatus in international forums" von 'Mtwoll' (3. Apr. 2012)
"Well, maybe we can loosen up on the censoring a bit. A better solution would be to have censors individualized for each language...however that is not a feature of this forum software. As for graduating from New Scratcher to Scratcher - there is no reason that I can think of why you should be having trouble graduating members. It requires a certain amount of activity, both in the forums and on the main site - but there is no reason that people using the Scratch in Other Languages forums shouldn't be able to satisfy them. If you have examples, perhaps you can have them use the Contact Us form and we'll look into them for you."
in "Solution for NewScratcherStatus in international forums" von Paddle2See (3. Apr. 2012)
"Hi Paddle,
ok, the problem was, that we do not know ( as almost everybody ) how the graduating system exactly works (not manually?) and so we were not sure, if it also works for german scratchers. The german thread that raised that question is here and the thread-initiator xJira was the new scratcher who was asking...
The censoring of the german word da-mit is an other question...german scratcher have nearly get used to spell it with hyphen in the forum ;-) [...] Yes, now you can write "damit", but yesterday you could'nt. I'm sure: We evan got an entry in our DACH-Scratch-Wiki about that problem with the German word "damit" (here). Somebody must have changed ist from yesterday to today. @Paddle: Did you change that?"
in "Solution for NewScratcherStatus in international forums" von 'Mtwoll' (3/4. Apr. 2012)